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Everybody thinks that they are good at sales… right? 
The truth is most people in sales are motivated by the promise of making lots and lots of money. 
The problem with just being motivated by money, is that you don't really spend too much time on what you are trying to sell; and to be credible and professional you have to know the product or the service inside out. 
In other words you have got to believe that the product or service that you are trying to get customers to buy, is something of value, or something that solves a problem. So it's got to be a real passion you have that helps you become successful in sales… and guess what the money will come if you are successful!
The purpose of this self-learning guide in sales is to give practical advice on how to engage and influence new customers to buy your offer.
If you do this intelligently and honestly you will not only get the sale, but more importantly, you will get recommendations and referrals to other clients.
Get it wrong and bad news spreads a lot quicker than good news.
This guide will give you a practical step by step approach through a process that repeats itself after the first complete close of business.
Try out the techniques on friends and get their feedback.
So, this booklet covers:
1.    Sales Process (Cycle) including prospecting and appointment making  
2.    Face to Face /Online Meeting /Fact finding/creating solution
3.    Presenting solution/selling the benefits/overcoming objections/closing   
At the end of reading these tips and processes, you will be able to sell anything!
“Yellow Rubber Duck!”
Good luck!
Adrian Henson


Can You Sell a Yellow Rubber Duck?

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£5.00Sale Price
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